Club Christmas Potluck with White Elephant Gift Exchange. The club will provide chicken, rolls, and beverages. Please bring an entree, salad, or dessert.
White Elephant Gift Exchange Rules are as follows:
Each person who plans to participate in the gift exchange needs to bring a wrapped gift and each participant will be given a ticket. The gifts should be marked as: male, female, or unisex.
A ticket will be drawn and the number called, the person with that number, will choose a gift and open it.
The subsequent ticket holders will be able to choose from the unopened gifts or may steal a gift that is already open.
If the person's open gift is stolen, they may steal an already opened gift from another person or choose an unopened gift. You cannot re-steal a gift that was just stolen from you.
If the gift has been stolen 3 times, it is safe and cannot be stolen again.
After the last person's number is called, the first person whose number was called has the option to keep their gift or choose any gift still in play.
Potluck Items so far.
Club - Chicken, Rolls, & Beverages
Bill Graham - Ham and Pie
Diane Rose - Salad
Heather Barber - Stuffing
Lorene Wiench - Salad
Bill Johnson - Dessert
Donni Moen - Potatoes
Robert Cardwell - Banana or Pumpin Bread or some baked good